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EVIL GLANCES In this time and age due to the shamelessness and immodesty which has spread through the internet and social media, many people’s lives have been destroyed. The root of many problems and vices is the SIN OF THE EYES. Casting lustful glances at women is a disease fraught with many vices. Of all the conceivable sins, it is the most damaging to man’s spiritual and inner soundness, hence it becomes a great hindrance in reforming the inner soul. Harms: • The biggest harm is that one violates the clear and explicit command of Allah in the Qur’an. “Oh Nabi, tell the believing men to lower their gazes and guard their private parts.” (Noor, 30) • It leads to Zina (fornication and adultery) and masturbation. • Allah has entrusted us with our bodies. Therefore, to use it against his pleasure is breaching the trust of Allah. “He knows the mistrust of the eyes and that which the heart conceals. (Ghaafir, 19) • It’s a means of the curse of Nabi ﷺ. It is mentioned in a Hadith “May the curse of Allah be upon the one who casts evil glances and upon the one who presents himself/herself to be looked at.” (Mishkaat) • It causes pain to the heart. By casting evil glances, the heart becomes restless and uneasy. One does not have a moment of contentment in the heart and life becomes better. • The heart and temperature of the body rises, which makes the semen thin and watery, by which one gets the sickness of premature ejaculation. • A person’s eyesight becomes weak. Casting evil glances is ingratitude for the blessing of sight. “And if you are ungrateful, then know that My punishment is severe.” (Ibrahim, 7) One reality of lustful glances which people are unaware of is that by protecting one’s eyes from lustful glances, one is promised the taste of the sweetness of Imaan. Nabi ﷺ narrated a Hadith Qudsi, “Verily the evil glance is a poisonous arrow from the arrows of Ibless. He who abstains from casting evil glances, I will grant him such Imaan, that he will feel the sweetness of it in his heart.” (Kanzul Ummaal) Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu anhu narrates that Nabi ﷺ said, “Every eye will weep on the Day of Qiyaamah except for the eye which was lowered from unlawful glances and that eye which stayed awake in the path of Allah and that eye which shed tears in the fear of Allah.”
First month of the year.